RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 136 - CESTO - M RCEST136M Contenitore in rattan naturale e corteccia prodotto interamente a mano con il tipico intreccio di Lombok. Perfetto come cesto o cache-pot In den Warenkorb
Accessoires Shop Gudan 365 - small Dekoratives Tablett aus handgeflochtenem natürlichem Rattan, Farbe Weiß und Schwarz. In den Warenkorb
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 2101 - Holzschatulle - Streaks - M COFST.2101.2 Wooden caskets embellished with engravings and metal details: a way to decorate and keep your home in order. In den Warenkorb
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 132 - VASSOIO - L RCEST132L Vassoio in rattan e corteccia prodotto interamente a mano con il tipico intreccio di Lombok In den Warenkorb
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 155 - KORB Komplett von Hand geflochtener Korb aus natürlichem und synthetischem Rattan In den Warenkorb
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 136 - CESTO - L RCEST136SMALL Contenitore in rattan naturale e corteccia prodotto interamente a mano con il tipico intreccio di Lombok. Perfetto come cesto o cache-pot In den Warenkorb
Accessoires Shop 954 - Kleiderbügel L0954 Handgeschnitztes Manao Kleiderbügel.Farbe: natur In den Warenkorb
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 132 - VASSOIO - S RCEST132S Vassoio in rattan e corteccia prodotto interamente a mano con il tipico intreccio di Lombok In den Warenkorb
Shop Bad-Accessoires-Set Bad-Accessoires-Set aus Flusssteinen, handgefertigt. Seifenspender Seifenschale Zahnbürstenhalter Ablagefach In den Warenkorb
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 149 - vassoio - small RCEST149 Dekoratives Tablett aus gedrehter Banane und Dekorationen aus natürlicher Baumwolle. Die besondere Neigung des Korbes ermöglicht die Verwendung als Wandschmuck oder Tafelaufsatz. In den Warenkorb
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 146 - CESTO BAMBOO RCEST146 Cesto in bamboo col. nero wash. Bordo e manici in seagrass In den Warenkorb
Deko und Spezialitäten SHOP 2104 - Holzschatulle - Emperor - L COFST.2104.3 Wooden caskets embellished with engravings and metal details: a way to decorate and keep your home in order. In den Warenkorb
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 123 - CESTO RCEST123 Cesto in grey koboo naturale con manico, intrecciato a mano In den Warenkorb
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES Suppenteller aus weißem Steingut Suppenteller aus weißem Steingut In den Warenkorb
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 147 - CESTO RCEST147 Cesto in banano attorcigliato, rivestito esternamente con decori in cotone naturale, eseguiti interamente a mano. In den Warenkorb
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 147 - CESTO RCEST147 58,00 € Cesto in banano attorcigliato, rivestito esternamente con decori in cotone naturale, eseguiti interamente a mano. In den Warenkorb
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 148 - SMALL RCEST148 21,00 € Cesto in corda col. grigio melange. Bordo e manici rifiniti in rafia naturale In den Warenkorb