ACCESSORIES SHOP 954 - clothes hangers 2066 Handmade manao clothes hangers.Colour: natural Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 147 - CESTO RCEST147 Cesto in banano attorcigliato, rivestito esternamente con decori in cotone naturale, eseguiti interamente a mano. Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 135 - VASSOIO - M RCEST135M Vassoio in midollo di giunco lavorato interamente a mano in maniera circolare. Col.: bianco wash Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 146 - CESTO BAMBOO RCEST146 Cesto in bamboo col. nero wash. Bordo e manici in seagrass Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 148 - SMALL RCEST148 Cesto in corda col. grigio melange. Bordo e manici rifiniti in rafia naturale Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 130 - CESTO - M RCEST130M Cesto in grey koboo naturale intrecciato a mano. Rifinito da bordo e manici in corda naturale. Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 1019 / 1/ S - chest L01019/ 1/ S Colored teak chest with handmade decorations.Width 85 - Depth 38 - Height 37Color: white wash Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 2101 - Wooden caskets - Streaks - S COFST.2101 Wooden caskets embellished with engravings and metal details: a way to decorate and keep your home in order. Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 2101 - Wooden caskets - Streaks - L COFST.2101.3 Wooden caskets embellished with engravings and metal details: a way to decorate and keep your home in order.. Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 151 - CESTO - L RCEST151L Cesto in fibra sintetica intrecciatacol. nero lavagna Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 1019 / M - colored chest L01019 / M Colored teak chest with handmade decorations.Width 94 - Depth 49 - Height 44Color: brown Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 154 - large Handwoven basket made from natural bulrush, entirely handmade. Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 155 - BASKET cesto intrecciato in rattan naturale e sintetico completamente a mano Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 135 - VASSOIO - L RCEST135L Vassoio in midollo di giunco lavorato interamente a mano in maniera circolare. Col.: bianco wash Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 147 - CESTO RCEST147 €58.00 Cesto in banano attorcigliato, rivestito esternamente con decori in cotone naturale, eseguiti interamente a mano. Add to cart