RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 136 - CESTO - M RCEST136M Contenitore in rattan naturale e corteccia prodotto interamente a mano con il tipico intreccio di Lombok. Perfetto come cesto o cache-pot Add to cart
ACCESSORIES SHOP 954 - clothes hangers L0954 Handmade manao clothes hangers.Colour: white wash Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 130 - CESTO - L RCEST130L Cesto in grey koboo naturale intrecciato a mano. Rifinito da bordo e manici in corda naturale. Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 148 - SET 3 PZ RCEST148SET Set di 3 cesti in corda col. grigio melange. Bordo e manici rifiniti in rafia naturaleS: Diam.27 H20 (manici escl.)M: Diam.36 H25 (manici escl.)L: Diam.48 H28 (manici escl.) Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 151 - CESTO - L RCEST151L Cesto in fibra sintetica intrecciatacol. nero lavagna Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 135 - tray - S RCEST135S Tray made of rattan and bark, entirely handcrafted with the typical Lombok weaving Color: white Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 146 - CESTO BAMBOO RCEST146 Cesto in bamboo col. nero wash. Bordo e manici in seagrass Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 149 - tray - small RCEST149 Decorative tray in twisted banana and decorations in natural cotton. The particular inclination of the basket allows it to be used as a wall decoration or centerpiece. Add to cart
ACCESSORIES SHOP Gudan 365 - small decorative tray made of hand-woven natural rattan, colour white and black Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 2101 - Wooden caskets - Streaks - L COFST.2101.3 Wooden caskets embellished with engravings and metal details: a way to decorate and keep your home in order.. Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 148 - SMALL RCEST148 Cesto in corda col. grigio melange. Bordo e manici rifiniti in rafia naturale Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 2101 - Wooden caskets - Streaks - S COFST.2101 Wooden caskets embellished with engravings and metal details: a way to decorate and keep your home in order. Add to cart
Retró Retró - 2 seater sofa - Rattan RRETR.020.000 With a cozy and comfortable design, the Retrò Sofas contains elements of fine technical craftsmanship and quality materials. Each piece is unique and exceptional, all characteristics that will enhance your every environment. The pieces that make up the Retrò collection have a wooden frame covered in 6mm half moon natural rattan core entirely hand-woven by... View
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 147 - CESTO RCEST147 €58.00 Cesto in banano attorcigliato, rivestito esternamente con decori in cotone naturale, eseguiti interamente a mano. Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 148 - SMALL RCEST148 €21.00 Cesto in corda col. grigio melange. Bordo e manici rifiniti in rafia naturale Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 149 - tray - small RCEST149 €43.00 Decorative tray in twisted banana and decorations in natural cotton. The particular inclination of the basket allows it to be used as a wall decoration or centerpiece. Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 150 - CESTO RCEST150 €58.00 Cesto in banano intrecciato a mano. Ricamo e frange con cordoncino bianco Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 151 - CESTO - S RCEST151S €28.00 Cesto in fibra sintetica intrecciatacol. nero lavagna Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 132 - tray - S RCEST132S €23.00 Tray made of rattan and bark, entirely handcrafted with the typical Lombok weaving Add to cart
RACKS SHOP & TABLE ACCESSORIES 132 - tray - M RCEST132M €29.00 Tray made of rattan and bark, entirely handcrafted with the typical Lombok weaving Add to cart